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extremal graph中文是什么意思

用"extremal graph"造句"extremal graph"怎么读"extremal graph" in a sentence


  • 极端图
  • 极图


  • Theorem 20 is the basis of a rather detailed study of the structure of extremal graphs .
  • In the third section , we get the extremal graph of weighted graph whose connectivity is 2
  • Then g contains a y - longest path p ( x0 , y ) such that d ( x0 ) if g has one . we discuss the structure of graph satisfying the conditions in theorem a and give the extremal graph
    … y )满足d ( oo )三号我们对满足超a条件的图的结构进行了讨论,给出了m极图
  • Combination of this lemma and the hamilton - connectivity involving neighborhood intersection obtains and improves or generalizes a series of classical results involving hamilton - connectivity , at the same time , we construct some extremal graphs to show the improved results to be the best possible ones . as for hamiltonicity , we omit the similar discussion
    由于每一个偶阶哈密尔顿连通图是o -因子-临界的,我们在最后一章中我们主要涉及哈密尔顿连通性,利用一个重要的引理,我们得到了一些新结果,并且改进了或推广了一些经典结论。
  • The first section of this paper gives a brief introduction about the basic concepts , terminology and symboles which are used in this paper . in section 2 , we give an accurate discussion about the structure of a kind of graphs in [ 6 ] and get the extremal graph . in the third section , we introduce a new concept - - - - implicit weighted degree and using it we give a condition on the existence of heavy cycles in weighted graphs
用"extremal graph"造句  
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